• Returned items must be new, unused and include the original box and/or packaging with all tags included.
  • Once Alhawee Motors has received and inspected your return (usually within 24 hours of receipt), your refund will be processed and a credit will be applied to your bank account or original method of payment. Please note that depending on your bank, it may take an additional 2-5 business days after your bank credit has been applied to your account.
  • You are responsible for all shipping costs associated with returning your order to our main warehouse.
  • See below for instructions on where/how to return your return to us. All returns require an RA (Return Authorization) number and must be returned to Alhawee Motors.

Return Shipping Options

  • For customers in Saudi Arabia, Alhawee Motors offers the option to print a prepaid ARAMEX shipping label for a fee of SAR 50. This fee will be deducted from your total refund amount. If the item is a special order, the cost of another UPS international shipping label to return it to the origin once approved by UPS will be determined based on weight and size which is usually half the cost of the item.
  • For customers anywhere, you have the option to use the shipping company of your choice to return your order to us.
  • All shipments must be prepaid; packages requested to pay on delivery will be refused.

Order Cancellation/Modifications

  • If you change your mind, act quickly! We process requests very quickly.
  • Orders can only be modified or cancelled while they are in the Processing status. Once an order is in the "Processing Order" status, it cannot be cancelled or modified, as the order has been processed by our system and is in the queue for shipment.

used or damaged goods

  • Any merchandise that has been "taken on tour" is considered used and cannot be returned.
  • Any merchandise or parts that show signs of use (wear, bugs, dirt, odor, pet hair, scratches, installation, etc.) or are in a condition different from when received cannot be returned.

Clothing and helmets

  • Clothing items must be packed in the original garment bag (or equivalent plastic bag) and must include all original tags.
  • Helmets must be returned as received in the original helmet bag and box and include all original paperwork and accessories.
  • Unused items returned with missing or damaged packaging, tags, components or hangers may be returned to the customer.

Electronics, Hardware, Tools, Tires

  • Any electronic part or component that has been removed from the packaging or has the manufacturer's seal broken is not returnable.
  • Any part that has been installed or shows signs of attempted installation on a vehicle is not returnable.
  • Any tool or chemical that has been opened or has a broken seal is not returnable.
  • Opened box items or damaged packaging cannot be returned.

International Returns

  • International shipments must be marked "Return Merchandise" by a shipping company that does not charge brokerage fees. The customer is fully responsible for any applicable brokerage fees or customs duties.


  • Each manufacturer has its own warranty policy. Alhawee Motors will assist customers in obtaining their warranty; however, Alhawee Motors does not provide any direct warranty on any product sold.

Warranty Return

  • Most manufacturers offer an additional warranty period that covers product defects. To determine the warranty requirements for a particular item, please contact the manufacturer or contact us for assistance.
  • Please note that warranty processing may take 4-8 weeks and will be subject to manufacturer policies and individual discretion. Manufacturer warranties do not cover defects that are determined to be caused by normal wear and tear or customer negligence.

Damaged items

  • Please notify us as soon as possible if any items in your order arrive damaged. Please keep all original shipping containers and take photos if possible. Damaged item claims are processed through the shipping company (ARAMEX, UPS or other shipping companies). We will assist our customers with these claims.

Return process

You can request a Return Authorization Number (RA#) online at www.Alhawee Motors.com or you can also initiate the return process by contacting one of our staff on Whatsapp +966 55 575 0676

Alhawee Motors.com
Attn: Returns (RA# XXXX)
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Jeddah King Mohammed Bin Abdulaziz Street | Tahlia Street
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah 23338
Note - Our main warehouse is located in a different location.

Please retain your return tracking information. Alhawee Motors.com is not responsible for packages lost during return shipping. You will receive a confirmation email from Alhawee Motors when your return has been processed which will include full details of your refund.

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